Here! Is It Any Good Then?
You know that thing which, from time to time, happens – because your a 'photographer' and 'know' about cameras and stuff – when someone brings you camera gear that they've not used for about ten years. They've had it from new, maybe even used it for the first few years; say around 5000 clicks worth; though it's been 'stored' ever since!
They say something such as: 'I no longer need nor want this kit, as I've a [insert an Android or Apple model here] smart phone'! Adding: 'maybe you could clean and/or use or sell it'?
When this happens I say “hold up a moment” then take a photograph – in this case a black & white photograph of a lamp taken with a mint condition Pentax K-100D[6Mp] and Schneider Kreuznach Lens – to at least show them what their outfit is capable still of producing.
Few if any people have subsequently kept their outfit! I reckon if just one ever did, for me it would be worthwhile.
Date: 14th August 2022
Camera: Pentax K-100D
Lens: Schneider Kreuznach D-Xenon f4.0-5.6 50-200mm ED
Post Process: GNU-Linux – Rawtherapee/GIMP