Pentax K-5 & Pentax 40mm Ltd
I was browsing the PentaxForum online which in-turn spurred me to retrieve my Pentax K-5, with a HD Pentax DA 40mm f2.8 Ltd lens, from its [storage] case, install a battery and shoot this photograph!
The rose being naturally lit from a window and a straight out of camera JPEG file, which I then opened in GIMP 2.10.34. Cropping the image to retain approximately 75% of its area and framing it, as you see below, and that’s all I’ve done. Nothing more. The output results in an 8.4Mb file.
I've resolved never to sell this camera body and associated lenses, even though I rarely shoot with it nowadays and indeed, haven't for years, as I have other systems and formats which I currently use. Nevertheless, I believe the resulting evidence speaks for itself.
The fact is this camera is compact and light weight, pretty well built and with Ltd lenses has an almost Leica type vibe to it. By today's standards it would likely be considered a little pedestrian, alright then comparably slow, in operation, by most photographers, I reckon. However, with a modicum of patience and care it can still produce good quality photographs.
Ricoh-Pentax superseded the K-5 with the K-5ii [sans AA filter and better AF], though I've have never tried one. I never felt the need.
As Ricoh/Pentax produce cameras, in the era of SLTs [mirrorless or MILCs or ETVs or whatever], I wish them well as they consider possible options for new DSLRs and maybe even build SLRs [film] cameras again. Who knows, they may just carve out a unique market sector all their own. Here's hoping – with fingers crossed. Discuss...