

'Rural, Town and Fringe Areas'

So, of course, yes, Graffiti...

[Graffiti: The marking of public space with a form of visual communication.]

Disclaimer, I apologise for any incidental commercial references in the following blog/article and/or photographs. It is not my purpose or intention to adverstise [unpaid or otherwise] any company, individual or organisation!
Location: Somerset Avenue meets Elmham Way Roundabout.

Saturday morning 12th August 23 and I was having issues with the health of my ears and subsequently needed suitable medication in order to treat them, so I was off to a local pharmacy. Now normally I'd drive myself, though given iffy balance and questionable spacial awareness, as a precaution, today, I was being driven.

Consequently, as my driver and I approached Somerset Avenue meets Elmham Way Roundabout, A370 from Weston-super-Mare, I saw something from the corner of my eye I'd not normally see – you know, of course, as you'd be watching the road when in control of a vehicle, at least I hope you would be, unless you've one of those 'Look no Hands – Does the Driving for You – Or not, as the case may be' Wonders!

What had attracted me was an abuttment wall, topped off with coping stones, and on that wall had been spray-painted a word. To me this, most likely, meant there was a culvert or subway under the road? Sunday morning 13th August 23 and I walk there, with a camera, to reconnoitre the spot...

Approaching the area on foot via the cycle-way & footpath alongside Somerset Avenue and at a break in the scrub bushes I find this subway! And of course the attendant graffiti.

Walking through the tunnel to the other side and looking back gives the better perspective. The subway is lit both sides, along its length, by 45 degree lights placed at the corners where wall meets roof, though they aren't the brightest. There are some impromptu seats of concrete and wood half way through on the footpath side, presumably for the benefit of the nightlife visitors. As to the graffiti some of the pieces are quite brilliant however, the overall impression is an imposing one and that you'd be best served not to dwell too long to view the art work. [I must state that I'm not aware that there has ever been any problem or trouble here.]

Please Note: I cannot credit any street artist whose work is included here as I simply have no knowledge of who created the original spray paintings or any derivations thereof depicted.

And so, to the atmosphere I wish to share with my photographic interpretation of the environment and street art I found at this location.

Walking in to... Inside now Tight lipped quiet Feeling watched Walking out of... Discuss... Buy Me A Coffee ? https://i-davis.carrd.co https://snap.as/unaoculusaperta https://unaoculusaperta.weebly.com

#WestonSuperMare #Subway #Urban #StreetArt #Photography