

Sandbay's Sand Dune System

Sandbay, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, UK

This sign, informing of possible disruption due to maintenance work scheduled to take place back at the end of 2020 till the start of 2021, is still in place as of the morning 21st August 2022? The information on the sign has not been updated nor removed from the sand dunes. One assumes the work was done and the dunes do seem to have increased slightly in terms of plant and wild life. Indeed this project is deserving of both recognition and support.

An advisory sign: telling of maintenance work to be carried out on Sandbay's sand dune system.

From the beach shore side we can see one of the main pedestrian access points.

One of the main pedestrian access points to Sandbay beach through the sand dunes

An issue for the system is: many people just access the beach from wherever they happen to be along the coastal road. Whilst there is a concrete path behind the dunes and adjacent to the road – albeit raised above the road and the traffic by a metre or so – walkers oftentimes walk on the flat area at the back of the dunes.

Wide flattened area at the rear of the dunes adjacent to the raised path and on a lower level the coastal road

In the background of the above photograph we can see something of what the dunes system is protecting – or at least is expected to protect.

Many years ago posts were driven into the sands and twisted-wire and stave fencing was installed to protect areas, giving the system a chance to recover and, notwithstanding, keep people and animals out.

Twisted-Wire and stave fencing has been effective in stablising dunes and encouraged growth and wildlife

This has worked well in stablising the dunes; encouraging growth and wildlife; despite the usual ignorance and abuse the fencing sometimes suffered.

Although the preservation and enhancement of the dunes is a never ending, upward and onward struggle this a great result.

A solitary wooden post stand in amongst under growth on Sandbay sand dunes.

The final photograph then shows the tide on its return to the shore. With an average rise and fall of some 8.0+ metres and with the 13th/14th August 2022 tides reaching 11.6 metres the dunes need all the help they can get!

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#Pentax #sanddunes #beach #Sandbay #WestonSuperMare #coastal #rawtherapee