

'Rural, Town and Fringe Areas'

So, of course, yes, Graffiti...

[Graffiti: The marking of public space with a form of visual communication.]

Disclaimer, I apologise for any incidental commercial references in the following blog/article and/or photographs. It is not my purpose or intention to adverstise [unpaid or otherwise] any company, individual or organisation!
Location: Somerset Avenue meets Elmham Way Roundabout.

Saturday morning 12th August 23 and I was having issues with the health of my ears and subsequently needed suitable medication in order to treat them, so I was off to a local pharmacy. Now normally I'd drive myself, though given iffy balance and questionable spacial awareness, as a precaution, today, I was being driven.

Consequently, as my driver and I approached Somerset Avenue meets Elmham Way Roundabout, A370 from Weston-super-Mare, I saw something from the corner of my eye I'd not normally see – you know, of course, as you'd be watching the road when in control of a vehicle, at least I hope you would be, unless you've one of those 'Look no Hands – Does the Driving for You – Or not, as the case may be' Wonders!

What had attracted me was an abuttment wall, topped off with coping stones, and on that wall had been spray-painted a word. To me this, most likely, meant there was a culvert or subway under the road? Sunday morning 13th August 23 and I walk there, with a camera, to reconnoitre the spot...

Approaching the area on foot via the cycle-way & footpath alongside Somerset Avenue and at a break in the scrub bushes I find this subway! And of course the attendant graffiti.

Walking through the tunnel to the other side and looking back gives the better perspective. The subway is lit both sides, along its length, by 45 degree lights placed at the corners where wall meets roof, though they aren't the brightest. There are some impromptu seats of concrete and wood half way through on the footpath side, presumably for the benefit of the nightlife visitors. As to the graffiti some of the pieces are quite brilliant however, the overall impression is an imposing one and that you'd be best served not to dwell too long to view the art work. [I must state that I'm not aware that there has ever been any problem or trouble here.]

Please Note: I cannot credit any street artist whose work is included here as I simply have no knowledge of who created the original spray paintings or any derivations thereof depicted.

And so, to the atmosphere I wish to share with my photographic interpretation of the environment and street art I found at this location.

Walking in to... Inside now Tight lipped quiet Feeling watched Walking out of... Discuss... Buy Me A Coffee ? https://i-davis.carrd.co https://snap.as/unaoculusaperta https://unaoculusaperta.weebly.com

#WestonSuperMare #Subway #Urban #StreetArt #Photography

I've not written anything in a while. I'm not thus feeling that fluent in my writing, presently. So here goes... I'll start with that I've been photographing lately; of which I have, also, neither been doing too fluently.

Regardless of the above and to paraphrase Humphrey Bogart's Charater – Rick Blaine – in the movie Casablanca [This] “don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world”.

There: having got that out of the way; back to the ancient Weston Wood.

A sawn off part of a tree trunk with the words Weston Woods carved into the bark

Monochrome Photograph: An off cut of tree trunk with the words Weston Woods carved into the bark.

I'll begin with the walk I took 31st October 2022 and, well, did it pour down.

Colour Photograph: Looking out towards the access road in a deluge of rain, whilst sheltering under trees in Weston Wood, Worlebury, W-s-M, Somerset, UK.

Colour Photograph: Looking out towards the access road in a deluge of rain, whilst sheltering under trees. Weston Wood, Worlebury, W-s-M, Somerset, UK.

I returned the following day. One of the things that strikes me about this historical woodland is the number of trees that have been, literally, uprooted and toppled onto the ground; sometimes even into the branches of adjacent trees!

Monochrome Photograph: A toppled tree complete with its wrenched out rock filled root-ball

Monochrome Photograph: A toppled tree complete with its wrenched out rock filled root-ball.
Note: that its longer main roots have been snapped off and are left in-situ.

The effected trees seem to have been wrenched from the floor; which consists of a thin layer of soil or leaf mulch covering bedrock. Indeed in amongst the root-ball of the fallen tree, one can see pieces of rock entwined in the network of roots. Roots don't so much penetrate down here as simply spread along the surface, kind of allowing the tree to balance.

Note: There just isn't enough substrate to allow a sufficient root-ball and main arteries to form that would support the trees in high winds and saturated, softened earth.

Monochrome Photograph: Of a tree that has been toppled and has fallen into adjacent trees and bushes thus toppling them also

Monochrome Photograph: Of a tree that has been toppled and has fallen into adjacent trees and bushes thus toppling them also.

No wonder the resilience of the trees to gale force winds and destabilising rains isn't great. Yet the woodland has persisted for millennia. In all of this though the fallen trees can look strangely attractive in certain aspects or situations.

A fallen tree has been moved aside a woodland footpath and with a bench seat having been installed opposite, for ones restful contemplation

Monochrome Photograph: A fallen tree has been moved aside a woodland footpath and with a bench seat having been installed opposite, for ones restful contemplation.

Of course the trees do decompose over time, forming a [temporary] home for some woodland wildlife and providing slow release nutrients in to the habitat. Just as importantly – they in their turn keep adding depth to the floor covering!

Buy Me A Coffee ? https://i-davis.carrd.co https://snap.as/unaoculusaperta https://unaoculusaperta.weebly.com https://bleadonphotographicgroup.weebly.com/ian-davis-galleries.html

#Ricoh #WestonWood #Woodland #Trees #WestonSuperMare #coastal #rawtherapee #GIMP #Fomapan100Classic #IBelieveInFilm

Sandbay's Sand Dune System

Sandbay, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, UK

This sign, informing of possible disruption due to maintenance work scheduled to take place back at the end of 2020 till the start of 2021, is still in place as of the morning 21st August 2022? The information on the sign has not been updated nor removed from the sand dunes. One assumes the work was done and the dunes do seem to have increased slightly in terms of plant and wild life. Indeed this project is deserving of both recognition and support.

An advisory sign: telling of maintenance work to be carried out on Sandbay's sand dune system.

From the beach shore side we can see one of the main pedestrian access points.

One of the main pedestrian access points to Sandbay beach through the sand dunes

An issue for the system is: many people just access the beach from wherever they happen to be along the coastal road. Whilst there is a concrete path behind the dunes and adjacent to the road – albeit raised above the road and the traffic by a metre or so – walkers oftentimes walk on the flat area at the back of the dunes.

Wide flattened area at the rear of the dunes adjacent to the raised path and on a lower level the coastal road

In the background of the above photograph we can see something of what the dunes system is protecting – or at least is expected to protect.

Many years ago posts were driven into the sands and twisted-wire and stave fencing was installed to protect areas, giving the system a chance to recover and, notwithstanding, keep people and animals out.

Twisted-Wire and stave fencing has been effective in stablising dunes and encouraged growth and wildlife

This has worked well in stablising the dunes; encouraging growth and wildlife; despite the usual ignorance and abuse the fencing sometimes suffered.

Although the preservation and enhancement of the dunes is a never ending, upward and onward struggle this a great result.

A solitary wooden post stand in amongst under growth on Sandbay sand dunes.

The final photograph then shows the tide on its return to the shore. With an average rise and fall of some 8.0+ metres and with the 13th/14th August 2022 tides reaching 11.6 metres the dunes need all the help they can get!

Buy Me A Coffee ? https://i-davis.carrd.co https://snap.as/unaoculusaperta https://unaoculusaperta.weebly.com https://bleadonphotographicgroup.weebly.com/ian-davis-galleries.html

#Pentax #sanddunes #beach #Sandbay #WestonSuperMare #coastal #rawtherapee

Street Lamp on Flowerdown Bridge - Weston-super-Mare Circa 1998 I took this photograph back in the day, circa 1998. I had been out with an SLR camera loaded with colour reversal film. I have no recollection of this walk though I imagine I had been walking near to the Helicopter Museum, Locking, Weston-super-Mare. I do remember though: walking back along the footpath towards Locking Castle which runs below and to the left of the carriage way, towards Weston and looking up into an azure blue sky, seeing this street lamp and photographing it. 'OneEyeOpen' – 'Life through a viewfinder' – Just the one shot. Buy Me A Coffee ? #photograpy #film #WestonSuperMare #WsM #ColourReversal